
Hi! I’m BestMacs and Best bSafe founder, Brian Best. I’ve been helping clients with IT challenges my entire adult life, the last 23 of which were under my own company. Cybersecurity is a hot topic that’s becoming more well-known by the general public every day.

Big breaches at places like Target, Home Depot, Equifax, and Colonial Pipeline make the news headlines. But those companies have the money and resources to handle it. Or at least they should have.

So, what is a solo entrepreneur or a small 10-person business to do? You might handle your own day-to-day tech needs but you know this threat is real. Do you feel prepared for it? I started Best bSafe to make world-class cybersecurity easy and affordable for businesses like yours.

We handle the defenses, we painlessly train you and your people, and we consult on best practices. It’s our deep recipe to keep your assets - and those of your customers - safe.