3 Simple Steps Done Consistently Keep You Safe

Cyber security has been a bigger deal than usual lately and it’s easy to see why. Business must carry on so no one can bury their head in the sand; everyone must face the risks.

Stress and anxiety are natural reactions to risk and they can overwhelm us into giving up.”Why bother with enhanced security measures when we can’t win? We can’t afford the high cost of IT security systems so we’ll take our chances.”

Small business owners are often really good at convincing themselves that their operation is too small for a hacker to care about. “We don’t have billions of dollars in the bank, so who’s going to go after us?!”

This is the real damage caused by cybercriminals. We tell ourselves stories and we see things on social media and the news that appear to back up these tales we have weaved. The next thing you know, we stop doing the basic, low-cost things to beef up our defenses. This is when criminals strike.

Your people have the power to keep your business safe.

The best defense is a culture where employees take cybersecurity seriously. You cannot talk about it once or twice a year and expect your employees to be mindful. Here are steps you can take consistently that will help keep your business and your clients’ data safe.

Use Strong Passwords


That gobbledygook above is what every password in your company should look like. It’s long. It doesn’t contain personal information. It’s nearly impossible to guess and would take a computer program a lonnnnng time to come up with it. Oh, and you need a completely unique password for everything. Yes, I mean everything. There are encrypted password managers your staff can use like Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault.

Don’t Click Links out of Fear

Even if you just ordered something online, do not click a link within a random email–especially one stating there is urgent problem with account. Always take the extra step of going directly to the company’s site by typing it into your browser or doing an internet search and clicking the link. You can also use a previously downloaded app–never download anything from a random email either.

Then check your account for any issues with your order. Do not click any links on pop-up messages! Pop-up boxes are a sign someone is phishing or has already gotten into your computer but don’t have all the information they need. Oh, and the phone number in the pop-up, that’s bogus too. If you really want to contact the company, look at official documents or their website.

Remind employees of this often and when they do click a weird link – and they will – yelling will only make matters worse. Have a system in place and make sure folks know how to take quick action when they have made an error.

Stay Current with Updates and Patches

Software, operating systems, and apps all need regular updates and even patches. Yes, it can be annoying and come at inconvenient times but do not delay them for more than a few minutes. Most updates contain some type of security enhancement or correction.

Make sure your employees are keeping all devices they use professionally up to date and if they are allowed to work from home, encourage them to keep their personal equipment current as well.

Doing these 3 things consistently will dramatically decrease cybersecurity breaches and they don’t cost anything outside the fees you pay for software, apps etc.

BestMacs is an added layer of security and we are happy to take your call when you need help ASAP after a suspicious link was clicked or if you want help training your employees to be more vigilant. We pride ourselves on offering the best solutions at reasonable prices so your business stays safe and humming along.

Are you ready for more support and peace of mind? Set up a free consultation today.

Questions? Shoot an email to brian@bestmacs.com and we’ll be happy to answer!

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Would your employees actually click that link?