News & Tips

The latest news and insights about how to keep your company’s data secure.

Brian Best Brian Best

Security Questions Your Organization Should Be Asking Itself

Securing an organization’s digital assets requires ongoing attention. This article poses questions your organization should be able to answer—and that will likely come up when purchasing cyber insurance or doing work for other, larger organizations.

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Brian Best Brian Best

How to protect your webcam from spies

In just two short years, a good quality webcam has become a critical tool for everyone. Could you imagine doing business without one?

But hackers are using clever tools to try to spy on people using their webcams.

Our new video shows you free and easy ways to protect yourself and your staff.

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Brian Best Brian Best

Protect…Your Network

In this digital age where privacy is of the utmost importance, we are obligated to ensure that protecting our data is of top priority. After all, we can’t expect our data to be protected if we don’t take the necessary actions to protect it

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Brian Best Brian Best

Computer Safety Superheroes

You’ve been hacked! Super. The hassle that ensues is nothing short of exhausting. You suddenly find yourself trying to regain access between work calls and changing every. single. password.

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Brian Best Brian Best

Defend and Invest: Your Technology Strategy for 2022

The start of a new year is always a good time to think about what you want to achieve with your business. As the captain of the ship it’s your job to set the destination, and course correct along the way. January is a big course correction month. All being well you’ve had a little time off recently. Even if it was just a few days, that break can give you huge clarity of thinking.

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Brian Best Brian Best

Protect…Your Email

Nothing makes a day worse than finding out your account has been hacked. No matter if it’s a social media account or your email, the hassle that ensues is nothing short of exhausting. Between trying to regain access to your account, changing all of your other account passwords as a precaution, and trying to explain to concerned parties that may be reaching out, the process is tiring.

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Brian Best Brian Best

Protect…Your iPhone

In the last 10 years, we’ve gone from using the phone simply to call and text to using our phones for banking, working, accessing health data, and more. Imagine how much sensitive information you have available on your phone that can easily be accessed if someone gets their hands on your precious device. As we continue our “Protect…” series, we’ll be discussing five tips to keep your iPhone safe.

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Brian Best Brian Best

Protect…Your Kids Online

As a computer guy, I’m probably more aware than most people of the many dangers present in our digital world. Today, Best bSafe is launching a new series entitled Protect… We’ll provide tips, best practices, and guidance to keep you, your family, your systems, and your team safe.

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Brian Best Brian Best

Ransomware Is on the Rise: Learn How to Protect Your Macs

Ransomware has been in the news all year, with the Colonial Pipeline attack in particular spending weeks in the headlines. Attacks rose 485% in 2020 and show no signs of abating. The amounts demanded by the attackers are increasing, too, with PC manufacturer Acer and Apple supplier Quanta both hit with $50 million demands. Worse, some ransomware attackers are adding an extortion component where they threaten to reveal confidential data if the victim doesn’t pay. It’s scary, we know.

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Brian Best Brian Best

These are the threats to worry about

We see cyber-attacks on businesses virtually every day. Mostly we see evidence of failed attacks, as the businesses we look after are well prepared and protected.

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Brian Best Brian Best

The security problem of John’s “other” laptop

Love it or hate it, working from home is huge and here to stay. As a nation, we’ve really embraced the changes forced upon us by the pandemic. Many businesses have become more flexible with a mixture of office-based workers, hybrid workers, and fully remote workers.

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